One size doesnt fit us all: learning to use our resources

Our experience tells us that virtual versus face to face have clear pros and cons when translating for you. An interpreter can offer much more than just word-to-word interpreting between languages, he/she can be a key informer of subtle, cultural and informal signs that can help you understand whats happening beyond words, what could be worrying them or under what context could your message be missunderstood.

These interpreting skills could prove invaluable to identify and bridge obstacles, offering real communication and trust with your client. 

As a general guideline Virtual Interpreting will be your best option when:

  • You need to arrange a pannel of proffesional and clients in diferent and far locations
  • When you just need to communicate a new message to the client over an ongoing subject you have previously discussed. 
  • When you need to ask any routine questions or offer an update of an ongoing procedure. 

However we would always recommend a face to face session when reading the body language, understanding the cultural bridge and offering emotional support is essential to the development of the conversation and the cooperation of your client.

  • When dealing with minors, sensitive medical or legal cases were it may be difficult for the client or patient to feel at ease to ask questions or participate in an open conversation.
  • When you are in the opening stages of an investigation and you need to bridge communication with the client in order to earn his or her trust to understand the facts.
  • When you need to communicate sensitive information, like a death, a worrying medical result, or a sentence. 

Our best advice to you is to get directly in touch, explain your needs and we will use our experience to offer you a bespoke solution and advice.

We also recommend to book our services as soon as you know you will need them, to ensure we can provide you with the best interpreter for your specific needs and ensure his or her calendar is cleared and booked for your required date and time.